Market Check

7 condos have sold within mile of 617 Crosswater Lane Unit B in the past 6 months.

The Average: 2.71 bedrooms, 2.43 bathrooms, $364,857

203 Pine Needles Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29708 3 / 3 $450,000 2025-03-04
206 River Clay Road, Fort Mill, SC 29708 2 / 2 $291,000 2025-02-28
608 Crosswater Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29708 3 / 3 $430,000 2024-12-13
646 Potter Place Road, Fort Mill, SC 29708 2 / 2 $285,000 2024-12-02
921 Ospre Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29708 3 / 3 $395,000 2024-11-15
825 Canoe Song Road, Fort Mill, SC 29708 3 / 2 $353,000 2024-10-04
818 Canoe Song Road, Fort Mill, SC 29708 3 / 2 $350,000 2024-10-03